A Good & Healthy Way To Warm Your Tummy | Recipe | Pumpkin Soup With Lentils

      Good grief------it's bitterly cold outside!  Not only is it cold---- it's really blustery as well.  I've heard a few reports that we're going to have another harsh winter this year.   I was hoping that the polar vortex would at least wait until after the new year.   When I went shopping earlier today to buy some winter boots for Erich, I thought the wind was going to knock me over.  I bought a pair of boots [in the size I thought Erich still wears] and when he tried them on this afternoon and they were too small.  He needs to stop growing!  Hopefully, I will be able to find a pair to fit him---it's already slim picking in the boot department!  It's going to snow tonight, but nothing major for us.  It sounds like upstate N.Y. is getting the brunt of it.  I remember when I was a little girl in the mid 1970's we used to get a lot of snow, even before Thanksgiving, so I guess I really ought not be surprised that winter weather has arrived.  After the winter we had last year----I'm already thinking of a warm, tropical escape.
Today was the perfect day to make this pumpkin soup. 

       When I prepare this pumpkin soup, I make couple of changes to the recipe. I chopped the onions and yellow pepper.  I simmer the soup much longer than the recipe indicates; I like the lentils to get soft and allow all the flavors to marry.  Also, I add 1/2 teaspoon salt, and I make sure to finely grate the ginger and use 1 teaspoon rather than 2 teaspoons.

       I made this soup last fall for the boys and they loved it so much I made it several times over the winter months.  Last night I made a pork loin roast with mashed potatoes and asparagus.  I think this spicy pumpkin soup with ginger, curry and cumin is a perfect accompaniment with the remaining pork roast and a good & healthy way to warm our tummies on a day such as today!  Erich ran in the kitchen while it was simmering on the range and asked if I'm making 'pumpkin soup' and when I said, "yes" he said, "Yay!"  I love the color of it and what is even better---- is that it is low in calories and so full of healthy ingredients.  I'm all about keeping the calories down this time of year [being as we don't get out as much] and with the holidays around the corner---- there are so many high-calorie food temptations to resist. 

I also found some low-cal pumpkin deserts that I want to try soon.  If they taste as good as they look I will definitely post my findings.

Keep warm and stay safe.



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