Recipe | Banana Cream Pie

      The calendar may say that it's April, but the weather has been more like winter-time.  Friday, April 8 was opening day for the Detroit Tigers and they won 4 to 0!  The weather was actually nice, with the temperatures in the mid to upper forties.  Saturday, was half way decent then turning cold, windy and raining in the evening with the temperature dropping to 20 degrees overnight.  Sunday morning was more of the same and then around 11:00 am the snow flurries came.  By the middle of the afternoon our neighborhood looked like a scene from Bedford Falls during Christmastime.  The good news is that when we woke up this morning----the snow had melted away and the sun was shining!  I was thrilled!
       Last week I started a cleaning spree in my kitchen, starting with the refrigerator and freezer.  I took everything out, pitched a few things, washed it thoroughly.  I spent the majority of my weekend taking things out of all my cupboards, pantry and hutch--- cleaned them inside and out and returned everything to its proper place.  Plus, I accomplished my goal---I mopped the kitchen floor!  In between cleaning I made a Banana Cream pie and Chicken Marsala for dinner on Saturday.              
       It's been so long since I've made a banana cream pie that Erich swears he has never had it before.  I think he's right.  The last time I remember making one was to take over to my sister-in-law's house for Easter, perhaps before he was even born.  My brother loves banana cream pie and my mom used to make it for him for his birthday.  Now Erich takes after his uncle Terry---he loves banana cream pie too!
Banana Cream Pie    Recipe adapted from my vintage 1960 Better Homes & Gardens Dessert Cook Book

Vanilla Cream Pie Filling
3/4  cup sugar
1/2  cup all-purpose four
1/4  teaspoon salt
2  cups whole milk
3  slightly beaten egg yolks
2  tablespoons butter
1  teaspoon vanilla

2  large ripe bananas to slice and place on top of baked and cooled graham cracker crust

In saucepan, combine sugar, flour, and salt; gradually stir in milk.  Cook and stir over medium heat till mixture boils.  Cook 2 minutes longer; remove from heat.  Stir small amount of hot mixture into yolks; return to mixture; cook and stir 2 minutes.  Remove from heat.  Add butter, vanilla; cover with plastic wrap, cool to room temperature.  Pour into graham cracker crust with banana slices on the bottom.  Refrigerate.

Graham Cracker Crust 
18  graham cracker squares
1/4  cup sugar
6  tablespoons butter melted

Place graham cracker squares in plastic storage bag and crush into fine crumbs; measure 1 1/4 cups crumbs.  In mixing bowl combine crumbs and sugar. Stir in melted butter, toss to thoroughly combine.  Turn crumb mixture into 9 inch pie plate and spread evenly in pie plate.  Press into bottom and sides to form a firm, even crust.  Bake in 375* oven 6 to 9 minutes or until edges are golden brown.  Cool on wire rack.

    I'm so glad its April.  We may have a few more crazy weather days, but this is Michigan and par for the course.  The good news is, I know that warmer days are ahead of us.  My Mama's miniature Iris' are 4 inches above the ground and I heard the birds singing this morning.



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