Fourth of July Weekend

      As usual Forth of July weekend came and went by quickly.  I worked Saturday afternoon.  Sunday was spent doing things around the house.  Monday morning I went to the fruit market and bought croissants for the chicken salad I made to take to Greenfield Village for the Twentyfifth Anniversary of Salute to America with the Detroit Symphony Orchestra.

     The weather was so nice and comfortable.  After we found our spot on the grounds---Keith and I walked around the village for a while.  This was the first time that we've been to the village this year.  We weren't able to attend Motor Muster in June.
     I love the Cotswold Cottage and gardens.  It's my favorite place in the village. I'm looking forward to going back again soon. There's so much to see there and I want to go for a ride on the carousel and train!
 While we walked around I had just enough time to take pictures of the Cotswold Cottage & gardens.
                                                         Cotswold Garden and Carriage House
I loved watching  the fireworks with the musical accompaniment above the Noah Webster house at the end of the concert

                         Hope everyone had safe, fun holiday weekend and Independence Day!
                                            God bless everyone and God bless America.


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