Recipes | Cucumber Salads

     It's August already!  Why does summer have to by so quickly?  I plan on making the most of what's left of summer vacation.  Erich is in full swing marching band practice and soon he will be going to band camp.  There's a few more things I would like to do before summer's over---like go to the zoo and Greenfield Village with my daughter and grandson.
      I thought I would share my favorite recipes for cucumber salads. They are both pretty quick and easy to prepare.  Both are refreshing summertime side dishes that go well with most entrees.  The Cucumber & Cherry Tomato recipe was given to me by my friends Dennis and Joanie.  Its actually Dennis' mother's recipe, he shared it with me when we were visiting them at their farmhouse one summer.  I've never had cucumber salad with tomatoes in it.  My mother always made cucumbers and sour cream salad for my Papa and me.  Mama and my brother Terry wouldn't eat it.  Their loss. (More for Papa and me!) lol
     I like to make this version when I harvest my cherry tomatoes.  I use "salad cucumbers" or "pickles" in both recipes.  They are shorter than the regular cucumbers that usually have some waxy coating on them.  I like them because they are crisp and I think they taste better.  I cut the skin off but it is fine to leave it on also.

Cucumber & Cherry Tomato Salad

3  pickle cucumbers, peeled and sliced thinly
1  cup cherry tomatoes halved
1/4  red onion sliced thinly
1/4  cup white vinegar
1/4  teaspoon salt
1/8  teaspoon freshly ground pepper
2  tablespoons fresh dill chopped fine

Place cucumbers, tomatoes and onions in a large bowl.   Pour vinegar over.  Sprinkle with salt, freshly ground pepper and dill.  Stir together.  Refridgerate.  Serve chilled.

Sour Cream & Cucumber Salad

3   pickle cucumbers, peeled and sliced thinly
1/4  medium sweet onion, sliced thinly
1  tablespoon white vinegar
1  teaspoon sugar
1/4  teaspoon salt
1/8  teaspoon ground pepper
1/2   cup  sour cream
2  tablespoons fresh dill finely cut

Place cucumbers, onions in large bowl.  In small bowl mix together vinegar, sugar, salt, pepper and sour cream.  Pour over cucumbers and onions and stir together.  Sprinkle in the dill and stir. Refrigerate.  Stir before serving.

                                                     Hope everyone is enjoying summer!


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