Hallowe'en Night

     Hope everyone had a safe and fun Hallowe'en.  I'm grateful that it wasn't raining.  We've had quite a few rainy days lately.  This year Keith and Walter handed out the candy while I went begging with Stephenie, Steven and Ryan.  Erich wasn't feeling very well--- so he just stayed in.
      I made Martha Stewart's "Rigaboney" for dinner.  My daughter used to call  me "Martha Stewart" when she was in middle school. I don't think she meant it as "a good thing" either.  lol   I loved to watch "Martha Stewart Living Weekdays" on my days off from work and I made a lot of Martha's recipes and crafts.  I thought Martha's holiday shows were the best. I still have some of the old magazines. I also made a batch of Monster brownies from this years October issue of  Martha Stewart's Living.  How cute are they?!!  Who wouldn't love brownies with Oreos?
Pasha, Stephenie, Ryan and Steven
      I loved the way this house is decorated.   There were several houses that were really decorated to the max, but we didn't make it to them----it was a long day for Ryan.  I think he had fun walking up to the neighbor's houses to get a treat.  Pasha got a few treats too!

      November is here and I put the Hallowe'en decorations away and I brought up my pinecones.  Soon I will start planning my Thanksgiving menu and table.  For now I just want to enjoy each day, one day at a time.  I'm not a fan of how retailers push the holiday season so early. There were Christmas advertisments on TV yesterday evening.  Bah Humbug!   It certainly takes away the true meaning of Thanksgiving and Christmas.  By the time Christmas comes I can't stand hearing "holiday" music.

      I will close on a positive note----today was a beautiful, sunny, mild autumn day!  The kind of day I wish will repeat itself many times in the days to come.  The trees are almost in full fall color!  Even Erich said that he likes this time of year because the trees are so pretty.



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