Love Is the Sweetest Thing | Recipe | Heart-Shaped Chocolate Ganache Brownie

 Hi friends!   I've been very busy around the house the past few weeks---packing everything in our house (including all the clothes in the closets) with the exception of our kitchen and bathroom cupboards.  We carried it all down to the basement to have new flooring installed.  We've also moved Erich's bedroom to what was the home office-media-Lowrey organ room.  The organ, Hi-Fi stereo and Keith's office furniture has been moved to the basement.  When the upstairs is back in order--after all the rooms are painted and furniture and decor is back in place, we will be working on the basement. So far I painted Erich's new closet, and that took 3 days to accomplish.  There was a lot of cutting in and I put 2 coats of paint on.  I'm hoping to finish painting Erich's room by the end of next week.

      Even with the house being stripped down to bare walls I still wanted to make a special dinner and dessert for Valentine's Day.  I made Ina's Roasted Italian meatballs with my marinara sauce and spaghetti for dinner and Chocolate Ganche Heart-Shaped Brownie for dessert.  I used 1 pound ground round and 1 pound ground pork, for the meatballs.  I also used only Parmesan cheese and 1/2 teaspoon salt for the recipe.  This is the second time I've made Ina's meatballs and the boys just love them!  Erich loves chocolate, so the brownie was a hit with him!

      I like to play pretty music while I'm cooking.   I played this lovely song for my Valentine during dinner.

Love Is the Sweetestest Thing

( Lyrics by: Ray Noble 1932)

Love is the sweetest thing
What else on earth could ever bring
Such happiness to ev'rything
As love's old story

Love is the strangest thing
No song of birds upon the wing
Shall in our hearts more sweetly sing
Than love's old story

Whatever heart desire
Whatever fate may send
This is the tale that will never will tire
This is the song without end

Love is the greatest thing
The oldest yet, the lasted thing
I only hope that fate may bring
Love's story to you

(Link to song on Youtube below)
Love Is the Sweetest Thing Ray Noble Orchestra / Al Bowlly

Heart Shaped Chocolate Ganache Brownie                                                        Preheat oven 350*F
3/4  cup flour
1/2  teaspoon baking powder
1/4  teaspoon salt
6  tablespoons butter melted
1/2  cup Hershey's unsweetened cocoa powder
2  teaspoons vanilla extract
1  tablespoon brewed coffee
3/4  cup granulated sugar
1/4  cup brown sugar
1  large egg
2  egg yolks

Lightly grease pan with butter.  Line a 8 inch square pan or heart shaped pan with parchment paper.

In a small bowl wisk together flour, baking powder and salt, set aside.
Melt butter in small saucepan.  Remove from heat.  Transfer to a large mixing bown.
Wisk in cocoa powder, vanilla and coffee.
Wisk in sugars and eggs.
Stir in flour, baking powder and salt.

The batter is thick and sticky.  Spread as evenly in pan as possible. ( It will settle in the pan in the oven.)

Bake 20-25 or until tooth pick comes out clean when tested in the center of the pan.  Let cool on rack.  Pull brownie out of pan and place on serving plate.

Chocolate Ganache

4  ounces semi-sweet chocolate chips
1/4  cup half and half
2  teaspoons brewed coffee

Bring water in a double boiler to simmer.  Add chocolate chips, coffee and cream in the top pan.  Stir until chips melt into cream.  Remove from heat.  Spoon ganache over brownie in different directions.  I used a plastic knife to make a design on top.
Allow to cool before serving.

This is a quick and easy treat for your Valentine's any time of the year!

                                                             Love to all,
                                                                 ~Marcie   oxox


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