Packard Proving Grounds | Courtyard Dedication | Fall Open House

       On Saturday, October 18, 2014 Keith went to the Packard Proving Grounds to help with the set up for the 2014 Fall Open House. The Packard Motor Car Foundation board of trustees conducted a meeting at 12:00 noon , and Keith was asked to join this time. The trustees held a vote and by unanimous decision, Keith was voted in as a Trustee for the Packard Motor Car Foundation!  Keith's father would be so proud!!! 

      The courtyard between the lodge and the mechanics garage was adopted by The Chris and Russ Murphy Foundation and Mr. Murphy was invited to the grounds for the reveal ceremony of  the plaque commemorating his generous gift the Packard Proving Grounds.

Russ and Keith's late father were close friends.  Russ and his wife, Chris were very active in the Packard community for many years and were instrumental in saving the Packard Proving Grounds.  We owe them a debt of gratitude for preserving this site for future generations.

Brian, Dr. Blackman, Bruce, John, Russ and Roger 
                                                 2014 Fall Open House |  Murphy Courtyard

                     Check out the four super-charged Parckard V-12 1800 horsepower aero engines!

The Clay-Algonac Historical Society bought Gar Wood's Teddy bears [on loan] for the show.

I met a couple of men in the past few months who knew Gar Wood.  One man at the Detroit Grand Prix told me that when he was a boy he lived on Clairpointe Street near Jefferson Ave. and he and his friends would go over to Gar Wood's boat dock, and Gar wood would take them for a ride!  I met another gentleman, who is retired from the Coast Guard and he met Gar Wood.  They both said that he was a nice man.
Miss America X  U-10  sure is a beauty! 
Erich, Larry and Alan
       Sunday, October 19, 2014 Keith and Erich went to the proving grounds early to help out with the final preparations for the open house.  I met mom at church and then we both went home for a while.  I picked mom up at 12:45 p.m. and we met the boys at the proving grounds.  Mom and I were so busy looking at all the cars and talking to our friends from Keith's car clubs, that I didn't take any pictures at all.  Keith and Erich were busy most of the day taking people for rides in the Packard.  Erich rode in five different Packard cars!

 I'm glad that the weather cooperated for the last Packard event of the season---it was a beautiful autumnal day.  What is more impressive is that there was a great turn-out of classic cars of all eras and car enthusiast alike. 



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