Easter | He Is Risen! He Is Risen Indeed!
Allelujah! He is risen!
He is not here; he has risen! Remember how he told you, while he was still with you in Galilee: 'The Son of Man must be delivered over to the hands of sinners, be crucified and on the third day be raised again.' Then they remembered his words.
Luke 24:6-8
Thanks be to God for our risen Lord Jesus Christ.
Thank You Jesus for paying our sin debt so that we may be raised from death, to eternal life, to be with You and our Heavenly Father God, forever and ever.
I hope everyone had a blessed and happy Easter. On our way to church we were greeted with fluffy snow flakes. On our way out of church, there was no sign of snow---just gray skies and the ground was wet. The sun peeked out before noon. Weather-wise it was pretty much a typical, early April spring day in Michigan. We met Mom at church. What a glorious service it was! The choir was outstanding! The pastor's sermon was great, and the church was full.
Saturday Erich went to work with Keith, and I went to the fruit market and picked up some hydrangeas and fresh berries for our Sunday brunch. When I returned home, I boiled eggs to color, baked a carrot cake to bring to our niece Kayla and nephew Joe's house for Easter. I also decorated the dining room and filled the baskets with goodies.
The boys came home after 9:00 p.m. Saturday. On their way home they saw the Blood Moon. We managed to keep our tradition and color eggs. I was pretty much wiped out by then, so I just snapped a couple of photos.I love this photo of Erich and Mimi in 2008. Look how cute and adorable Erich was then!
My mom made the ceramic egg for an Easter gift for me when I was 11 years old.
Easter Brunch Menu
Fresh Strawberries, Blueberries & Grapes
O.J. & Sparkling Apple Cider
Scrambled Eggs
I glued baby chenille chicks on appetizer picks and then threaded strawberries on them to garnish the O.J. & sparkling apple cider.
Mom came over just after 3:00 p.m. and we left to go to Kayla and Joe's for Easter dinner with Keith's family. I haven't seen anyone since Christmas, so it was really nice to get together with everyone and catch up with what's new. There was plenty of delicious food and deserts. My sister-in-law Sandy brought her yummy cheesecake. I passed on having hors-d'œuvres and potatoes in order to afford to have a slice of her cheesecake! It's that good!
Happy Easter
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