Summer Update

      Wow!  It's hard to believe that I haven't posted anything on the blog since the beginning of July!  On July 17th---Mom, Erich, Keith's sister Teri and I went to visit aunt Mildred and celebrate her 90th birthday.  The next day, I received a call from Teri that aunt Mildred went home to be with the Lord.  I'm so glad that we were able to go and see her.  I felt so bad for Mom, as it was such a shock that she passed away so soon after our visit.  The good news is----- Mildred is with the Lord and we shall see her again. 
      So where did summer go?  Here in S.E. Michigan--- the weather was very lack luster.  There were too many cool, cloudy, rainy, gray days for my taste.  In spite of the mediocre weather---we did manage to squeeze in some fun outings.  Erich and I met my brother Terry , Bailey, Alexis, Nathan and James at the Detroit Zoo in July.  The weather was perfect for a day at the zoo.
                        Erich, Alexis, Bailey, James and Nathan by the Horace H. Rackham Fountain
                   Nathan is the perfect age for going to the zoo.  He is curious about everything!
                                 Gotta love a boy who eats his French fries with a fork.  Lol!
                                            Alexis looking pretty in pink standing by the flamingos.
      My daughter Stephenie and her husband Steve found out that they are expecting their first child in March of 2016!  They have been wanting to have a baby for quite a while.  What a blessing! Thanks be to God. 
                                        Stephenie and Erich on the train at Greenfield Village in August
The one good thing about having cooler, rainy weather is that my flower garden was gorgeous. 
       We went to Silver Lake, Michigan for our vacation this year.  I will be sharing about that soon.  Keith has been busy working and in his spare time he has been going to some car shows and events with and without Erich.  Keith even has had the exciting opportunity to be a part of an episode with his friend Ross whose Packard was featured on Mobsteel.   How cool is that? 

       It's hard to believe that Erich heading back to school soon.  I hope that everyone has had a fun summer!  I plan on making the most of the time that Erich has left of summer vacation and having at least a few more BBQ dinners on the patio. 



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