Happy New Year!

    This year we decided to go out for dinner rather than bring home Chinese carry-out.  I set the dining room table a few days in advance with small plates, napkins, candle and a dozen beautiful roses.  I made a golden yellow cake with chocolate cream cheese frosting for desert.  We played Aggravation after we came home from dinner and we each won a round of the game.
 I actually managed to stay up this year and count down---- while the ball dropped on TV, in Times Square!

       We started the new year out right with dinner (my treat) at the Sign of the Beefcarver on New Year's Day.  We haven't been to the Carver in months!  It truly was a treat!
 My hope and prayer for the new year----
 is for good health, God's blessings and His peace
to be with with all those that we love.
And the same for you and yours.



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