Summer's End

      It's hard to believe that summer is coming to an end already and it's been a month since I've posted here.  This summer we've mostly been busy with local activities.  The past few weeks Erich has been practicing with the marching band at the high school, and the last week at Echo Grove camp grounds.  This is the first time Erich has ever stayed anywhere away from home with out us.  I was more anxious than he was.  lol  I signed up to be a chaperone and stayed over 2 nights, Monday and Thursday.  I'm so impressed with these young ladies and men for all their hard work, dedication and team spirit!  They practiced through hot, humid, rainy weather.  They walked back and forth from their cabins, to the cafeteria; and to the field where they marched and practiced each section of the music.
      This photo was taken Thursday evening at the field.
     The campgrounds are so pretty---it looks like a little village.
      The band members had 2 hours of free time each afternoon.  Erich loved going to the pool.
     Thursday night there was a bonfire for the band members and I had the privilege to go with some of the chaperones.  When the band members started "singing" the the music they've been practicing ---it brought tears to my eyes and I felt so honored to be in their presence.  Erich made a lot of new friends and so did I.  It was really a great experience.  
    This was Friday evening when parents came to pick up their band member---- they were treated to a wonderful performance!  It was great to bring my Beezo back home too!  The house was too quiet.  I made one of his favorite meals the next day----  my mama's goulash.  He was so happy to have a home-cooked meal after a week of camp food.  lol

      I'm so looking forward to Friday, September 9th when the marching band will be playing at the first football game of the season!  I'll be in the bleachers cheering them on and taking lots of pictures!   

                                                 Have a wonderful Labor day weekend.   


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