
                                                                          Happy Spring!
     Since the last time I posted---my daughter and son-in-law welcomed their second child to our family in February.  Miss Aria decided to arrive on the same date that her big brother was born.  She's a little doll, and Ryan just loves his baby sister!

    Yes, it's still spring for a few more weeks.  It feels like spring here.  We've had rain nearly every day during the month of May.  The only good thing about all the rain----  my garden is looking really full.  Everything is taller and the Peony bush has double the buds, the grass is super green.

      In spite of all the rainy days---I was able to spend some time with my daughter, Ryan and Aria at Wolcott Mill Farm.  It was a lovely day to visit the farm animals.  Ryan loves all the animals.


It's hard to believe that another school year is coming to an end for Erich.  He will be a senior next fall!  I'm looking forward to not having to set the alarm for 5 a.m.  I'm so ready summertime activities----    bright, sunny days, bike rides and  enjoying alfresco dinners on our patio.


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