Recipe | Breakfast Tortillas

                                                                    Breakfast Tortilla
     I love an easy breakfast recipe.  What is more, I love that this recipe can be made with so many variations that it will never be boring---- just by changing the veg, herbs and cheese.  The options are endless.  It's also a great way to use up things that are in the fridge that may not be enough for other recipes.   


3  eggs
1/3  cup low-fat cottage cheese
Chopped veg and herbs, as desired
Pepper-jack cheese
Low-carb or reg burrito size tortilla


Preheat oven to 350*F

Lightly butter or spray a bottom of pie plate and line with a burrito size tortilla.
Beat eggs or add them whole.
Fill top of burrito with egg mixture, cottage cheese, and toppings,

Bake at 350*F for 15-20 minutes, or until eggs are set.

Photo and Recipe [adapted] from:  Healthyeatgram


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