September's Blessings | Detroit Institute of Arts

      Erich's first day back to school was on September 8, 2015 and now we're back to our  regular routine schedules again.  Yay!  I'm loving it!  Lately I've had some issues with my camera and computer.  Keith's my I T guy, and he's been working a lot on the weekends and hasn't had much free time for anything.  I'm thrilled that he corrected the problems for me yesterday-----hopefully, I will be able to post on the blog on a regular basis again.
       On Friday, September 18, 2015 our niece Shelby and nephew Frank welcomed their first child, Esther Grace into the world.  We are thanking and praising God that mother and child are both healthy and that Frank made it through as well.   ;)   What a beautiful baby and adorable young family they are!
      On Thursday, September 10, 2015  Mom and I went to the Detroit Institute of Art with the 55+ club from Bethany Lutheran Church.   We met at Bethany and then we were treated to a first-class ride in one of the DIA's beautiful shuttle buses.  I should have taken a picture of it---it's the Packard of tour buses.  It was great to spend time with our long-time friends from Bethany and what a spectacular venue to do so.
 I love going to the DIA.  I remember the first time that I went was with my auntie Carole, my mom  and brother Terry when I was around 11 years old.  It is still as breathtaking now--- as it was then.
      When we arrived at the DIA we had lunch at the CafeDIA and then we met our tour guide Debbie.  The DIA the first American museum to purchase a Van Gogh work of art and includes one of his self portraits and [a portrait of his mailman 1888] Portrait Postman Roulin.  In 1921 the DIA purchased Gladioli painted by Claude Monet.  We were unable to view the DIA's Monet collection as it is on loan to another art gallery.
      There are so many gorgeous works of art it's hard to choose a favorite.  Not to mention that we barely scratched the surface of all there is to see.  I wish I had time to take notes and give more info on the above portraits. 
                                                                  Pewabic Pottery
  There are 27  fresco panels by Diego Rivera Detroit Industry Mural [depicting the Ford Motor Company] painted between 1932 and 1933.
                                                    A beautiful water fountain in the Rivera Court.
                                                      Erich on his first day of school. 

      It's hard to believe that he's 5'7' tall and in 8th grade already!  I keep asking him to stop growing!  I have to look up to him now when I'm standing next to him.  I think I would like time to slow down as well---- we're headed towards the end of September already.   




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