LCN High School Marching Band

          Friday evening Erich had the honor and the privilege to play the clarinet with his future high school classmates and alumni.  He absolutely loved it.  This is Erich's third year of band. Playing with the high school marching band was such a great experience--- now Erich said that he is really looking forward to continuing band next year in high school. 
                                  Erich was playing in the row near the 40 yard line.
                    They played two songs and then the 'Star Spangled Banner' before the game began.
                                             Oh yeah, there was a football game to watch! 
     The marching band and Color Guard during halftime were wonderful. Honestly, they were.  Last year LCNHS played at Ford Field in Detroit and at Disney World.  How awesome is that?

 Going to the high school for the football game and watching the performance during halftime was so much fun for Keith and I.  It really brought back a lot of memories from when we were in high school---way back in the 80's.   Yes Erich,  I can remember back that far!


       Mimi way, way back in the 1950's.  If  Mimi were here, she would say to me, "watch it girl!" Lol!

       My mother would be so proud of Erich!  My daughter Stephenie also played the clarinet in high school marching band and my mother was absolutely thrilled to pieces!  My mother played clarinet in high school marching band.  She always said that it was one of the best experiences of her life.

      Keep up the good work Erich.  The next five years will go by quickly and you'll wonder where they went.  Then before you realize it--- you'll be out of school for decades and you'll be watching your children grow up before your eyes.  Someday, you'll remember that your mother told you not to be in a hurry to grow up, because time is fleeting, and it's best to enjoy each and every day to the fullest, one day at a time.

I wish you all the best son.  God bless you always,
~your mother


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