Our Christmas

Merry Christmas!

      I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas with their family and friends.  Ours was extra sweet this year.  Ryan is almost 2 and at that adorable curious age.  I really love having a little one around the house again.

      We have a few traditions that we try to keep each year.  I'm so grateful that we were all healthy and able to do them again this year.

      I like to wait until December 1st to decorate our home for Christmas.  This year Thanksgiving was earlier than usual.


      The Hubster and I went to Romeo Cafe' for breakfast and then we stopped at a couple of antique stores before heading over to Blake's to pick our Christmas tree.

      It was really cold this year so we skipped going to the farm and picked our tree from the lot.  While the tree was being processed we went inside and had some hard cider and then bought cider and donuts to bring home to Erich.

      Next year we may have to go to the farm to chop down a tree--- this years tree looks "Charlie Brownie" to me.  Oh well, it smelled good! lol
                                           Blake's has the best cider and cinnamon sugar donuts!
      I set the table early in the morning for our Christmas Eve brunch with Steven, Stephenie and Ryan.  I bought the monogram ornaments with bells at Pottery Barn---I thought they would be great to use for napkin rings and they are a little gift for each person.

       Christmas Eve brunch was simple this year.  I made a batch of Ryan's favorite Pumpkin Spice muffins, pancakes, scrambled eggs and sausage.

Ryan was so thrilled with his Melissa & Doug housekeeping playset he picked up the box and carried it over to his father to open and then he started cleaning Mimi & Gramps house.  lol
We took Keith's mom to Christmas Eve service at St. Peter Lutheran church.  It was beautiful.  The choir walked down the isles with candles while we sang Silent Night.
Cookies For Santie Claus  
Christmas morning is always good when your teenage son is happy with his gifts.
Mushroom & Spinach Quiche

refrigerated pie crust 
(if using frozen pie crust follow directions on package)

1 10 ounce frozen chopped spinach
thawed and drained completely
4 ounces fresh mushrooms sliced
1 small clove garlic finely minced
4  large eggs
1 1/2 cups whole milk
1 cup freshly grated parmesan
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon pepper
Pinch of grated nutmeg

Preheat oven 400*F

Pie crust: roll pie crust 2 inches larger that pie or pastry pan.  Press dough into bottom and sides of pan.  With a fork, prick the bottom of the crust allover.

Bake 10-12 minutes or until the crust is light brown.  Remove crust from oven; lower temperature to 375*F.
Add minced garlic to drained spinach.
Arrange mushrooms, spinach and cheese over crust.  Wisk together eggs, milk, nutmeg, salt and pepper.  Pour mixture over mushrooms, spinach and cheese.
Place narrow strips of aluminum foil over the edge of the crust.
Carefully place pan in oven.

Bake 45 minutes.
Remove foil from crust and continue baking for 10-15 minutes or until eggs are set and light golden brown.    
Let cool 15 minutes before serving.

        We picked mom up and  went to his cousin's home for dinner.  We had a wonderful time celebrating Christmas with Keith's family.    

                                                                  God bless everyone!


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