Our Thanksgiving

      I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving.  We celebrated Thanksgiving with the Hubster's side of the family at his neice and nephew's house.   It's been since Easter since I've seen everyone (except for mom) it was nice to spend time together and dinner was delicious.
      I always make a turkey dinner a few days after Thanksgiving.  I like the leftover turkey for sandwiches and  turkey noodle soup.
      I love to set the table for Thanksgiving even though it was just the three of us this year at home.
       This year I bought a Hubbard squash, Bosc and Seckel pears to add to the white mini pumkins.
 I avoided going to the mall over Thanksgiving weekend.  I don't like the crowds and I prefer to support small businesses.  I went to one of my favorite antique stores on Friday.
      I spent time in my storage room over the weekend and sorted through my Xmas decorations,  household items, winter clothes and I donated to a non-profit resale store (Second Hand Rose/Turning Point) that helps victims of domestic and sexual violence.  There are so many people in need all year round, escpecially this time of year people need warm clothes. 
      I felt sad when I asked Erich to put the white pumpkins to the curb---they're still pretty.  I love Christmas time, however I'm not looking forward to winter.
       I just happened to be driving the other day when the sun was setting around the corner from our subdivision.  I had to stop and take a picture.  It was a beautiful ending to November.

      December is here and I'm hoping to slow down for the Advent season.  I need to make another donation of goods to the thrift store this week, then I have plans to bake cookies and maybe squeeze in a craft project. 



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