Father's Day Weekend | Motor Muster

     Wow,  I'm really behind on my blog!  I realize that Father's Day weekend was three weeks ago--we've been quite busy lately around the house and with a few outings that we've gone on .  The beginning of this summer has been a strange one--- for me at least.  The weather seems more fallish--- than summery.  There's been too many rainy, gray and cool days for my taste.  We're trying to make the most of it.   Keith brought the Packard to Greenfield Village again this year for the Motor Muster over Father's Day weekend.  The weather was so-so on Saturday.  It was dry in the early morning hours then there was a light shower for a while, mostly cloudy for the rest of the day.   A little bit of rain didn't keep the die-hard car enthusiasts away, certainly not Erich anyway.   He took a lot of pictures.

 We invited my brother Terry, his wife Amanda and family to join us at the village on Saturday.   I walked around  the village with them and checked out the cars.   My four year old  nephew Nathan asked his daddy if he could go on the carousal.   Afterwards, I asked Nathan if he would like to go on the train and he said, "no, I don't like trains."  I asked him why, and he said that they are too loud.  Every time the train whistle blew he covered his ears.  I couldn't help but giggle because we walked around the park and there are at least three areas that the train blows the whistle for pedestrian crossings and there are three train stops! Lol!  I think that he had a good time in spite of the train. He is just too cute!

My neicie Alexis
Nathan [another car guy] was excited about the pedal cars also.
Keith took Terry, Amanda, Bailey, Alexis, Nathan, Erich and Monkey to the Pass-In-Review parade. 
 I stayed behind with baby James and kissed his chubby cheeks!  He didn't mind at all.
After my brother and his family left I walked around and took pictures of the gardens. 
Wright Brothers Bicycle Store 
On Sunday I walked around and took pictures at some of my favorite places in the village.
The ladies at the Edison Homestead are cleaning the kitchen after lunch.  The parlor/dining room is decorated with tissue paper decorations for Independence Day.

I also went to the Firestone Farm to see the animals.  
 Keith riding a Packard bicycle.

     We enjoyed a delicious Father's Day dinner at the Eagle Inn Tavern.  I'm glad that Terry and his family were able to come and spend most of the day with us on Saturday.  



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