Winter Cleaning and Organizing

       It's that time of year---to clean, organize, and refresh closets.  I actually do this several times a year--after the holidays/beginning of the new year, spring, and end of summer/early fall.  When the seasons change it's a good time to sort through clothes and donate things that I'm no longer wearing or using.  Last week I pulled everything out from under our kitchen sink and our laundry room closet and thoroughly cleaned each space and replenished cleaning supplies.  
      I even took the curtain down to wash and press. lol This spring I'd like to paint this room.  It looks kind of peachy in the pictures---it's [ivory] SW Casa Blanca.  
                                             I love having a clean and organized linen closet.
We're getting up to 8 inches of snow overnight.  

                           Keeping busy with projects around the house is a good thing!   



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