
 "I'm so glad that I live in a world where there are Octobers."
~L.M. Montgomery
Anne of Green Gables

     Oh, October----how I love thee.  It's my fav time of year.  It started out with the most heavenly weather this year.  We've had a few cooler, cloudy, rainy, windy days as of late, however nature prevails beautifully.  The leaves are turning golden-brown, rusty-rouge.  Local farms have rows of pumpkins, colorful mums-- along with harvested fall fruits and vegetables for sale.  The cider mills are busy on the weekends with families sharing a gallon of cider and a sack of freshly made doughnuts with bees buzzing about. The sun sets earlier.  These are the days that evokes the mood for comfy, autumnal meals, baking, and for grabbing a soft throw blanket, wearing cozy sweaters--- while curling up in a comfortable spot to read a book or watch a movie. 

     Last weekend Erich carried my storage containers of my fall/winter clothes up stairs for me.  I went through my closet and sorted through what I wanted to keep, from what I decided to set aside to donate to charity.  I spent the day washing the clothes that were in storage, our fall/winter linens, and organizing my dresser and closet. I like to go through the kitchen cupboard as the seasons change as well. I'm in the process of painting our breakfast nook vintage cabinet and hutch.  I store a lot of can goods in the cabinet.  I found a few expired cans of beans when I emptied it out to paint.  I also made a list of baking goods that I'm low on for when I go grocery shopping next.   

     I made my first pot of Tuscan Vegetable soup  of the season yesterday evening. It's one of my fav soups.  It's so easy and most of the ingredients are staples in my pantry and the fridge vegetable drawer.  I've been looking through my cookbooks and folder of recipes that I've torn from magazines for meal planning.  I try to only go to the fruit market/grocery store once per week when the weather is cooler.  I've even managed to make it up to 2 weeks during the winter months without going to the store.  

     Hope everyone is enjoying the change of the seasons and the bounty of autumn.  



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