Happy Easter

  The boys & Monkey having a good time coloring eggs Saturday evening. Monkey double-dipped!
         Easter Sunday we went to worship service.   The sermon that the pastor gave really put our temporal time here on earth in perspective when we consider------ eternal life.  I love Easter hymns and the choir, hand bells, band and organist were exceptionally good.  Of course, I love to see all the children in their Easter outfits.  
        Vintage Easter basket filled with chocolates from Sanders and Brach's jelly beans. Yum! 
He is risen!  He is risen indeed! 

 Oven baked bacon and eggs in toast cups, recipe from one of my vintage cook books--- 
      served with grapefruit and mandarin orange segments.
  After church we came home and I prepared brunch.  We picked mom up afterwards and we went to celebrate Easter at our niece and nephews house with Keith's family.   The weather was gorgeous, the food was good and it was so nice to be all together.  

Hope everyone had a lovely Easter!



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