Hallowe'en Evening | Recipe | Spiced Pumpkin Bread


      Erich came home from school and asked me right away,  "can I go over Justin's house?"  I asked him, "are you two going to go out begging?"  Erich replied, "no mom, we're in High School now."  I forget that he's 15!  Makes me sad because 3 years from now he'll be an adult.  What?!  I wish they could stay little longer.  Que sera sera.

      Speaking of little ones.  My daughter Stephenie and husband Steven came over with  Ryan for dinner and to go out begging.  Keith was in charge of passing out the candy this year so I could tag along with Ryan.

      I made Sloppy Joes for dinner.  Earlier in the day I made brownies for Steven and pumpkin bread for Stephenie and Ryan.  Ryan loved the pumpkin bread!  I took this picture of him while he was sitting on my lap.  He would take a bite and start wiggling.  He's so cute!

      After dinner Stephenie put Ryan's costume on so that we could go out begging.

                                           A creepy clown and a doll sitting under the tree.
                     Erich came back home while we were out begging and helped Keith pass candy out.
                                                                Spiced Pumpkin Bread

1  cup brown sugar
2  cups granulated sugar
1  cup canola oil
3  large eggs, room temperature
1  16 ounce can solid pack pumpkin
3  cups flour
1  teaspoon ground cinnamon
1  teaspoon  ground cloves
1  teaspoon ground nutmeg
1  teaspoon baking soda
1/2  teaspoon salt
1/2  teaspoon baking powder

                                                                                                                                  Preheat oven 350*F
Butter and flour two 9x5x3 inch loaf pans.
Sift together flour, spices, baking soda, salt and baking powder.
Beat sugar and oil in a large bowl to blend.  Mix eggs in, one at a time,  then pumpkin into sugar and oil mixture.  Stir sifted flour into pumpkin mixture in two additions.

Divide batter equally in to prepared pans.  Bake 1 hour 10 minutes.  Transfer to wire racks.  Cool in pans for 10 minutes, then invert on to wire racks.  Cool completely.

This bread is moist, pumpkin spicy and oh so yummy!  Enjoy!

Adapted recipe from here

                                                   Hope everyone had a safe and fun Hallowe'en.



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