Freep Film Festival | Packard: The Last Shift

Erich on his way to the Fillmore Theatre for the World  Premiere of:  Packard: The Last Shift.
        On Sunday, March 20, 2014 the boys and I went to the Freep Film Fest World Premiere of:  Packard: The Last Shift at the Fillmore Theatre in Detroit, Michigan.  Many of our friends from the Packard Motor Car Foundation and Motor City Packards were also in attendance for this fabulous event.  It was quite an exciting evening!  What was more exciting, was to see some of our long-time Packard friends in the film---- Don Sommer, Marvin King, John MacArthur, and Alan Mabbott.  Even Keith's Packard had a cameo appearance.
      After the show there was a discussion panel with Tom Walsh Free Press Business Columnist, as the moderator, with Fernando Palazuelo Owner of the Packard Plant, Brian Kaufman The Detroit Free Press Director of Packard: The Last Shift, Roger Luksik President of Packard Motor Car Foundation, and Dan Kinkead Director of Projects for Detroit Future City Implementation Office.

      On Sunday, March 22, 2015 Keith, Erich, Mom and I went to The Detroit Institute of Arts for an encore viewing of Freep Film Fest:  Packard: The Last Shift ( Phones On Screening) and Brian Kaufman was there to answer questions from the audience.  There was a lady that worked at the Packard Plant during "the war effort" in the audience, who "attached a part on top of the (Packard Rolls Royce Merlin) engines."  How great is that?  
    Brian Kaufman's Packard: The Last Shift is a must-see for Detroiters, car enthusiasts, and history lovers alike.  It's a captivating film.  The cinematography is so superb---- that he captured beauty in the midst of an area that looks like the ruins of a war-zone.  Having said that, I would not advise anyone to go in that area, as it is very dangerous on many levels. 
      Mom watched the documentary with great interest, and she thinks it's a shame what has become of the Packard Plant.  Keith's paternal grandfather, Stanley, worked at the Packard Plant from 1938 --1956.  Keith's father, Jim, was an avid Packard enthusiast and collector.  Jim also was one of the founding members of Motor City Packards and Packard Digest. 
              Ward, Jim, Marvin, Dave, Joel, Russ,  Don, and Brian (Motor City Packards Members)

       Hopefully, someday there will be a DVD release of Packard: The Last Shift; it sure would make great Christmas gifts for everyone in Keith's family, and I'm sure that there are many families that would be interested in owning a copy as well.



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