Happy St. Patrick's Day! | The Donovan's

                                                                     Happy St. Patrick's Day!
       In honor of my French-Irish grandmother, Mimi---I made a traditional Corned Beef Dinner this evening.  I don't recall either of my parents making Corned Beef Dinner.  My mother made Boiled Dinner with ham and rutabaga when I was about 8 years old, and I absolutely refused eat it.  I sat at the table until my mother finally gave up and sent me to my room.  What can I say?  I am stubborn, and so was she.   I'd still rather go to my room---- than eat Boiled Dinner.  Lol!  The boys really enjoyed the corned beef.  Keith loved the vegetables, and Erich loved the sour dough rye bread.  I do remember my mom making Mimi's Chocolate Potato Cake when I was growing up.  I've also made it a few times, unfortunately--- I have no idea what happened to the recipe.  I did find a few recipes for Irish Chocolate Potato cake on-line-----so, there's no need for me to sing 'MacArthur Park'.  I just wish I still had her hand-written recipe.
                                               The Donovan's   Eva (Mimi's mother) and Mimi

      My Mimi's mother, Eva, passed away a year before I was born.  My mom said that she was a great lady.  I know my mom loved Eva and Mimi very much.  Mama said that Eva always wore dresses, and that she never left the house without a hat and gloves on.  I remember my Mimi, she was so nice, and I loved being around her.  I remember Mimi's house smelled like White Shoulders perfume and good food.  The kitchen had a red linoleum floor that curved up to the bottom of the wall and she had a chrome dinette with red chairs.  I remember sitting at her kitchen table and looking around the room---I was fascinated with that red floor!


The Donovan's
(Francis Fahy / Alicia Adelaide Needham)

Well if you would like to see
The height of hospitality
The cream of kindly welcome
And core of  cordiality
The joys of all olden times
You're wishin' to recall again

Oh, ce'ad mile fa'ilte
They'll greet you down at Donovan's
As cheery as the springtime
As Irish as the conovan
The wish of my heart is
if ever I had anyone
That ev'ry luck that lightens life
May light upon the Donovan

As soon are e're you lift the latch
The little ones are meetin' you
And as soon as you're beneath the thatch
Kindly looks are greetin' you

Bing sings 'The Donovan's'



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