Our Christmas

     Wow!  It's hard to believe that Christmas has come and gone and it's the New Year!  As we have in several years past we went to see the Lutheran Choralaires at Historic Trinity Lutheran Church in Detroit, Michigan with Keith's mom.  It's always a highlight of the season.
      The next day the Hubster and I went to Blake's to select our Christmas tree.  It was a nice, sunny, cool day.  While our tree was being processed we had a bowl of chili.  It was really good.

                                                                   A Selfie at Blake's
       Ryan came over to visit while his mom and dad went to a prenatal Dr.'s visit.  He is going to have a baby sister----- arriving in February.
            Ryan likes to drive the bunny in the carrot car on the coffee table.  Mimi doesn't mind.  :)
          The Hubster was happy that I set up the Santie Claus punch bowl and mug set on the server.
                            I set the table on Christmas Eve afternoon for Christmas morning brunch.
                                           We went to Christmas Eve service with mom.
                        We went to Dale and Sandy's house to celebrate Christmas with Keith's family.
      Erich really liked his monetary pizza shaped gift from uncle Keith and aunt Teri.

      My daughter, son-in-law and grandson were battling some sort of cold just before Christmas.  I met Stephenie and Ryan a few days after Christmas when they were feeling better at Panera Bread for lunch.  They came over afterward to open presents. Ryan really liked all of his 'Cars' gifts.  He wasn't quite as excited about his new Pj's.  lol 
       I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas, filled with many happy moments---spent with family and friends.  




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