Doing the Happy Dance + Recipe | Waldorf Salad

      What does "doing the happy dance" and Waldorf salad have in common?  Absolutely nothing--- unless you're a really big fan of Waldorf salad.  I happen to love Waldorf salad, just not enough to break out dancing over it.  The Lions lost the game yesterday evening. That was a total bummer, and certainly nothing to dance about.   Erich went back to school today---that was worth a "happy dance"!!!  Please don't judge.  Ha ha!  I started my workout video right after he got on the bus.  Lol!   Keith was off for most of the past 2 weeks and I was hoping for some snow for the boys to go sledding or for drifting their remote control cars in or something.  New Years day I made brunch and cleaned house. Keith  and Erich worked on some projects in the basement.  We ate the leftovers from our Chinese carry-out for dinner.    A friend of ours sent a honey-baked spiral ham to our house for Christmas and I was planning on using some of it for dinner on Friday, and Saturday night.  Well, by the middle of Friday afternoon---- we all had cabin fever! Keith asked me if I wanted to go to the Beefcarver for dinner.  How could I refuse that offer?  I think we just needed to go for a ride in the car to some place warm and comforting, with no thumping loud music, and be around other people for awhile.  It was the perfect little get away. The boys played the game system when we got home and I watched some shows that I recorded.

     Saturday I spent most of the day in the kitchen while Keith went to work.  I made Waldorf salad, scalloped potatoes and prepped the asparagus for dinner.  I make Waldorf salad twice a year, at Christmas and Easter.  I usually get asked to bring it by whomever is hosting the holiday and it's always a hit.  I love it with ham.  The fresh fruit, hint of lemon, and nutmeg are a perfect accompaniment with ham.  It also pairs well with egg dishes for brunch.     
Waldorf Salad
Adapted from "Old Faithful" my trusty and vintage Better Homes and Gardens 'New' Cookbook.

5 medium Gala apples
1 Tablespoon lemon juice
1/2 cup chopped celery
1/2 cup seedless red grapes cut in half
1/2 cup chopped walnuts
1/4 cup raisins
1/2 cup Miracle Whip (light)
1/2 cup Cool Whip (light) 
1 Tablespoon sugar
1/2 teaspoon lemon juice
ground nutmeg

Core and chop apples into small cubes.  In a large bowl sprinkle apples with 1 Tablespoon lemon juice.  Add celery, raisins, grapes and walnuts.  Stir together.  Set aside.

For the dressing, mix together the Miracle Whip and Cool Whip, sugar and 1/2 teaspoon of lemon juice until combined.  Combine dressing with the apple mixture.  Transfer to serving dish and sprinkle the top of the salad lightly with nutmeg.  Cover and refrigerate.




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