Cranbrook House and Gardens

      Hi!  Hope everyone is having a wonderful summer.  It's flying by.  I always say once the Fourth of July comes and goes---- it seems like summer is over before we know it!  I've been working on putting this post together about the Cranbrook House and Gardens since I went there with my friend Sandy---way back on June 23.  Lol!  It was a beautiful day and we were wanting to go someplace different.  Way back in the day, while I was in 11th grade in High School I took a vocational Horticulture class.  Our class went for a field trip to the Cranbrook House and Gardens for an example of landscaping and garden design. 
     The Cranbrook House was designed by Albert Kahn in 1907 for George Gough Booth and his wife Ellen Warren Scripps Booth, daughter of James Edmund Scripps founder of The Detroit News.
      The garden on the side of the house is tiered and has a beautiful reflecting pool with a statue at one end and a fountain at the other.
Beyond the reflecting pool is a path that leads to Cranbrook Art Museum and Cranbrook Institute of Science.
Cranbrook Art Museum  
Orpheus Fountain
View of path from the art museum to the house.
      I really enjoyed going to the Cranbrook House with Sandy.  The gardens are so beautiful and it's such a lovely and peaceful place to visit.  The garden tour is free to the public this year.  I would love to return this fall and take a tour of the house.  I'll try to post more often.  I'm so far behind!
                                                           Enjoy summer everyone!


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