Cars 'R' Stars | Packard Proving Grounds

     June 8, 2014 was the annual Cars 'R' Stars car show at the beautiful Packard Proving Grounds in Shelby Township, Michigan.  This year the Cars 'R' Stars show featured commercial, delivery, military, emergency and funeral coaches.  And thankfully, even though there were mid-morning showers----- there was a great turn-out of vehicles, cars and car-lovers!  The many volunteers at the Packard Proving Grounds, Motor City Packards and the Packard Motor Car Foundation truly appreciate everyone who participated in making this a successful event.  The weather cooperated in the afternoon and it actually ended up being a lovely day.   

                                                         Packard Proving Grounds Lodge
                                                                     Lodge Garage
   The Proving Grounds Lodge served as a home away from home for the Charles Vincent family and also served as a temporary lodging place for the engineers and test drivers. 

Collection of Packards 

Sheddens Orchard Ford Truck 

1969 Ford Super Duty Truck 

 1965 Ford Econoline truck and 1937 Ford Texico Tanker   
DIVCO [Detroit Industrial Vehicle Corporation] Pointe Dairy Truck
1953 Packard Hearse     |     1959 Cadillac Hearse 
1940's MACK Coor's Truck 
Ford Ice Cream Truck  
1915 Buick Truck 
1950's Universal Ambulance 

I love the Chevrolet Vernors Truck [above]
Chrysler Imperial 
Stahl's Automotive Foundation 1941 Packard One Twenty

         Keith and Erich  worked at the grounds on Saturday.  Keith went to the grounds early Sunday morning to help direct vehicles to their parking spaces and he took all of the pictures I used for this post [I left my camera at home].  Erich and I picked Grandma up Sunday morning and we met Keith's sister Teri and [her husband] Keith at our church.  After worship service, we went out to get lunch and then headed over to the Proving Grounds.  Teri was excited to go to the Proving Grounds, as she remembers her father taking their family to the grounds when she was younger and this is the first time she has been back.   Keith gave Grandma, Teri and Keith a tour inside the Lodge and buildings. I was able to talk to some Packard friends that I haven't seen [in what seems like ages] after the long, brutal winter we had here in Michigan.  Keith's mom really enjoyed the 50's music that the DJ played.  She was singing, had a 'lil bounce in her step and she said, "this music brings back so many memories and it makes me feel like dancing".  Seeing mom enjoying the music and having such a good time was the best part of the day for me.  Mom's already looking forward to coming back for the Open House in October and so am I.



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