Greenfield Village | Hallowe'en Nights

      On Sunday Keith, Erich and I went to church in the morning and then we went to Greenfield Village in the afternoon.  Our plan was to go to the village for a few hours, leave to have dinner at the Beefcarver, and then return to the village for Hallowe'en Nights.  We had just enough time to wander about the village, ride on the train, and go for a little cruise in a Model T.  It was a lovely, sunny autumn day.
Speaking of cruising around-------look who we ran into!
                                                                       Firestone Farm
              When the hens saw the man with the buckets they ran towards the pig pen with him.
               The pig on the right got angry with the pig on the left for hogging the trough. LOL!
              Then the chickens ran away!  It was hilarious!
              The turkeys decided to stay close to the barn and sun-bathe.  Good thinkin'.

   Dracula must have taken off to a dark,
perhaps in an attic 
of one of the homes----
in the village!
  Maybe we'll will catch up with him later on,
Hallowe'en Nights!

                                                           Dinner at the Carver------Yum!
The Boys and Monkeys

The Grim Reaper

Who are these spooky characters?
Dancing Skeletons
Erich walking into the foggy covered bridge
Singing Pumpkins
Haunted Cemetery

I could use a new broom!

Look at all the ghosts riding the carousel.

Ichabod Crane from the Legend of Sleepy Hollow
Even the clock tower at the Henry Ford Museum is decorated for Hallowe'en. 

Oh my goodness we had so much fun!  Now I'm really excited about passing out goodies to the kiddos on Hallowe'en------ while the boys go out begging in the neighborhood. 



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