Recipe | Papa's Gołąbki

      Now that the weather is cooler, and yesterday truly was "wind's day"-----it was a very blustery day indeed;  I have been preparing some our family's favorite cool-weather meals.   I made Mimi's meatloaf yesterday, and today I made Papa's Gołąbki.  Papa used to make stuffed cabbage on Sunday afternoon's during the winter months.  It's actually one of my all-time-favorite meals.  Boy does it bring back great childhood memories!  Mama and Papa were members of a couples bowling league when Terry and I were still in elementary school.  My parents were friends with one of the couples on their team---- a Polish man named Ed and his wife Del.  I remember going to their house once at Christmas time.  Ed shared his Gołąbki [go-wump-ki] recipe with Papa, and ever since then, "stuffed cabbage" has been called Gołąbki in our family.  Papa got a big kick out of saying Gołąbki!  He would chuckle every time.  I think it was contagious---because it always made me giggle.  My boys get a kick out of saying it too!  I don't think that Ed's recipe was much different than Papa's recipe, with the exception that Ed put sauerkraut on top before baking.

Papa's Gołąbki

Preheat oven to 350*

1 lb. ground round  (90/10)
1/2 lb. ground pork
2  eggs beaten
1/4 cup Heinz ketchup
1 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. pepper
1/4 cup grated onion drained
1/4 tsp. minced garlic

1/2 cup uncooked white rice prepared according to package directions

1 medium size cabbage 3-4 lbs.

1 can 28 oz. tomato sauce
2 cans 14 oz. diced tomatoes (do not drain)
1/4 cup diced onions
1 clove minced garlic
2 tsp. brown sugar
1/2 tsp. salt
1/4 ground pepper
2 Tbsp. olive oil

Peel outer leaves off of the cabbage and carefully cut the core out of the bottom.  Place cabbage in a 5 quart pan and bring to a simmer for 3-5 minutes, turn off burner.  Remove cabbage from pan, drain water from pan. Let cabbage stand long enough for it cool off enough to handle.  Remove 12-14 cabbage leaves by peeling them back with tongs and place on a platter to continue cooling.  Chop remaining cabbage and reserve.

In the 5 quart pan add olive oil and diced onions, sprinkle lightly with salt.  Saute onions until translucent, add minced garlic.  Add tomato sauce, diced tomatoes, brown sugar, salt and pepper.  Simmer.

Cook rice and allow to cool.

Cut ribs from cabbage leaves.

In a large mixing bowl beat the eggs just enough to combine.  Add ketchup, salt, pepper, drained grated onions, minced garlic and cooled rice.  Add ground beef and pork and combine thoroughly.

Carefully transfer 1/3 of tomato sauce to a roasting pan.

With a large spoon scoop meat mixture and place on the cabbage leaf.  Fold up each leaf sides and roll.  Place cabbage roll in roasting pan.  Repeat add tomato sauce between layers of rolls.  Add reserved chopped cabbage on top of the rolls and the remaining sauce.  Cover roasting pan.  Place roasting pan on top of cookie sheet and place in oven.  Bake 1  1/2 hours.

     I have made Gołąbkis with sauerkraut on top, and it is delicious.  I recommend rinsing the sauerkraut in a strainer with water and draining thoroughly before adding to the roasting pan. 


      Every time I make Gołąbki ----I think of  Papa.  I'm so grateful that not only did he enjoy cooking--- he did it with so much love, and he made some of the best food I've ever tasted. 


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