Local Farmers Market

      Saturday Erich and I picked Stephenie up to go the local Farmers Market.  It has been a couple months since Stephenie and Erich have seen each other and now he is taller than she is! 

                      Erich took this picture of the mural in the parking lot of the farmers market.

I was thrilled to see all the beautiful flowers that were for sale at the market.  Stephenie bought a bouquet of gladiolas and dahlias.  I bought a bouquet of red zinnias and white German status.   I also bought some Sugar Bear squash and a bunch each of flat leaf parsley and sage.  I'm looking forward to making something with the squash for the boys.  Naturally, Erich was more interested in the cars that were parked in the parking lot more than looking at the tables loaded with the fresh fruit and vegetables.  I knew it wouldn't thrill him in the least, however it was a nice way to get together with Stephenie for a little while.

       Everything looks so good at the farmers market----I could go crazy buying vegetables. I try to limit myself to what I know that I can use in a week.  I would like to go back this weekend.  In the meantime, I need to find a good recipe for this squash and put it to use. 

Like Mama used to say, "waste not, want not". 



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