Happy Groundhog Day!

                                                                         Mr. Metro-Detroit

      It's official!  Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow this morning in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania.
Alas, we're in for six more weeks of winter.  Apparently, this tradition has been going on since 1887 and he's only missed his shadow 17 times.  I'd like to know how the judges can tell if Phil has seen his shadow?  Does Phil run away from his shadow? 
            Last summer my husband spied Mr. Metro-Detroit basking in the sun outside his work office.
                                       Who woulda thunk it that groundhogs like to sunbathe?
Ohhh, yawn!  It's a hard-knock life for a groundhog!
Looks like he's wanting to come inside to cool off for a spell.
       I wonder where Mr. Metro-Detroit is today?  Our area got up to 12 inches of snow yesterday and over night.  My sister-in-law Teri's area got 17 inches!
                                                  I think we're all looking forward to spring!


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