Recipe | Strawberry Muffins

      This morning I made a batch of strawberry muffins for breakfast.   This is the first time that I have made strawberry muffins.  I've been wanting to make these for a weeks. I've been collecting vintage cook books and booklets for years.  The recipe that I used is from a vintage Ann Pillsbury's Basic Recipes booklet from 1945.  This is the first recipe that I have made from this booklet and I am very pleased with the results.  It has been kid-tested----- Erich gave his approval; and after the first bite, he asked if he could have another.  Happy thirteen year old----- happy Mama!
      I just adore the muffin tin in this photograph, and the way the recipe is outlined it is very easy to follow.
I used my Mama's vintage Foley sifter to sift the dry ingredients. 
The vintage Pyrex mixing bowls are a gift from my friend  (sister-in-law) Sandy.
    The scent of strawberry muffins fresh out of the oven reminds me of strawberry shortcakes in the summertime.  The muffins are soft and fluffy, and the strawberries are sweet and tender.  They are so cute and pretty ----I smiled every time I saw them sitting on the counter. 

Strawberry Muffins
Adapted from Ann Pillsbury's Basic Recipes 1945
Makes 12 muffins

Preheat oven 425*F

Sift together
2 cups all purpose flour
3 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
2/3 cup sugar

1 cup chopped strawberries to dry ingredients.

1 egg, well beaten
1 cup milk
1/3 cup vegetable oil

to dry ingredients and mix only until flour is dampened.

baking cup liners in muffin pan 2/3 full.

tops of muffin batter lightly with granulated sugar.

in preheated oven for 20 minutes.  Serve warm.

Nut:   Add 1/2 cup chopped nut meats to dry ingredients.
Cheese:   Add 1/2 cup grated cheese to dry ingredients.
Blueberry:   Add 1 cup fresh blueberries to dry ingredients.
Bacon or Ham:   Add 1/3 cup coarsely chopped crisp bacon or finely cut boiled ham to dry ingredients.
      The weather here in SE Michigan is still very cold.  We've only been above freezing 2 days for the month of February.  I'm so looking forward to spring!  The good news is that the days are getting longer.  I'm really enjoying the extra sunlight we've had the past few days. 

Baking a batch of strawberry muffins on a cold winter's morning helps to warm the kitchen and our tummies.

                                          Happy baking and warm wishes.



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