Historic Trinity Lutheran Church Detroit | The Lutheran Choralaires

                             Historic Trinity Lutheran Church Detroit, Michigan Built 1927

  The Lutheran Choralaires Christmas Concert at Historic Trinity Lutheran church in Detroit  has become an annual event for our family. 
        This year The Lutheran High School South Handbells were invited  to perform with the Choralaires.  What a talented group of young ladies and gentlemen!  The handbell director is our niece Shelby's mother-in-law.
                                                                  The Lutheran Choralaires
      The Lutheran Choralaires have been performing 68 years--- for the glory of God.  Our friends Paul and Joe are choir members from Bethany Lutheran church, and Joe is one of the original members of the Lutheran Choralaires.  Some of our friends from Bethany and  St. Peter were at the concert.

      The Lutheran Choralaires serve the Lord with their talent by visiting local assisted living and nursing homes.  They also perform at Greenfield Village and many other venues throughout the year sharing the Good News of God's love to His people through song.
                                                                         Organ Pipes
                                                                Hallway in the Flying Buttress
                                                              Gothic Window in Flying Buttress

                                                                     Petra and Erich
      After the concert we went to Kavan's for dinner.  Keith and I used to go to Kavan's just about every  Friday night when we lived in our old neighborhood.  Petra is our favorite waitress. Erich was 2 years old when we moved to our current home and it's been a few years since we've been to Kavan's.  It sure was good to see Petra again.  While we were there--- we had a conversation with the couple sitting at the table next to us; and as it turned out,  I used to work with the gentleman's mother, Cornelia, at the fabric store in Detroit. Sometimes, it really is a small world after all.  I knew his father too.  His father used to come in the store to visit with Cornelia and then he would give me candy. :) 

      It was a wonderful evening with beautiful Christmas music; and then going to dinner and seeing a dear friend and making new ones. 



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