Look Who I Found In My Kitchen

 This little fella!  
      I found him this morning sitting in the corner of the top shelf of the hutch in my kitchen---- looking all cute and innocent.  He must have smelled the turkey roasting on Sunday and heard me putting the fall decorations away in the basement and realized that  'It's the Holiday Season.'  I said to him, "Listen here little fella, I've got a lot of decorating to do around the house and I don't need any mischief from you!  Be good or I will send you back to the Big Guy at the North Pole!"

      With Thanksgiving being late this year, I am behind with my  Christmas decorating.  Last week, I went through closets, cupboards, and boxes and then packed things up to give to the Salvation Army and we dropped it all off on Friday.  Mom and I also bought gifts and wrapped them to bring to church this weekend for children who are in need in Detroit.  Sunday was the first week of Advent, and the alter was surrounded by gifts from members of St. Peter for the children.  What a beautiful sight.  I know how much the children and their moms will appreciate those gifts; as I was a single parent for 11 years.  Keith always encourages me to pick a child to buy gifts for, and his faced just lights up when I show him what I find.  He's such a good man and good role model for Erich.

      Well, I better get back to work and make sure that "What's-his-name" stays out of trouble. 
While I'm at it, I think I will kick-off my decorating 'Holiday Season' by putting my all-time favorite  Andy Williams Christmas LP on the old-school [like me] RCA stereophonic Hi Fi.  



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