Our Christmas

After weeks of preparation and much anticipation, Christmas seems to have come and gone in a flash.  I was hoping for a little bit of a white Christmas this year, alas it wasn't meant to be.  It rained pretty hard Christmas Eve.  Keith and I decided not to go to church due to the inclement weather.  I really regret missing Christmas Eve service, as Christmas just doesn't seem the same without going.  I did watch some of the Solemn Christmas Eve Mass on EWTN, and  Erich placed baby Jesus in the manger before he went to bed.
                            Stephie-pooh (age 3) decorating cookies in our kitchen in Detroit.

      One of our family traditions is to decorate cookies on Christmas Eve.  We like to set out fresh cookies for Santie Claus.  The cookie cutters that I use are the set that my Mama used when my brother Terry and I were growing up.  I even have the same rolling pin that I used when Stephenie was little!
                                        The Boys Decorating Cookies Christmas Eve 2008
Looks like "What's-his-name" joined us while we decorated cookies. 
Mama's Old-fashioned Sugar Cookies 
      Poor Erich had to suffer through opening boxes with clothes in them, until he hit the jackpot!  I love the look on Erich's face when he realizes that he got what he was hoping for-----a Playstation 4.  He was a good sport about it all.  After we cleaned the living room, we had brunch and then got ready to go to Keith's sister, Teri's house to celebrate Christmas with the entire family. 
Erich and Emma played Christmas carols together.  It was so sweet. 
After dinner we exchanged gifts and there was a flurry of gift wrap in the air!
The family contributed together to give Mom a flat screen T.V. this year.
Mom was so surprised and happy that she started to cry.  We had a very Merry & Blessed Christmas.  I appreciate that my SIL+BIL hosted Christmas at their house.    This afternoon Erich and I went to my SIL Sandy's house for lunch.  Erich and Emma played a couple of board games while Sandy and I chatted.  I'll be spending the next few days taking Christmas decorations down and packing some things to donate to charity. I'm also preparing for our humble little New Year's Eve celebration at home.  I'm glad things are winding down a bit.  The holidays can really wear a person out!  
Erich and Emma
      I hope everyone is enjoying their holiday break.  Erich's been having a good time playing his new game system with his father.  I thought I would be able to sleep in but, I'm still on school schedule---that may be a good thing in the long run.  It's hard to believe that it will be 2015 soon!  Wow!  Time is flying.

Enjoy the rest of 2014 and stay safe this New Year's Eve.



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