Dinner at the Packard Proving Grounds

     Sunday Keith , Erich and I picked Mom up in the evening to go to the Packard Proving Grounds for dinner. 
Mom, Keith and Erich next to a new reproduction door on the mechanics garage.
                                        What a great photo of Mom.  She's such a pretty lady!
                                                                  Erich and Grandma
       While we were at the Proving Grounds, our friend Roger offered to show Erich his 1968 AMX.
                                            Erich asked Roger for permission to sit in it.
                         Vintage photo at the Packard Proving Grounds [outing] for the foremen. 
                                              Keith's grandfather is standing in the center.
                              Look who's in the backseat of Art and Kathy's Packard-----Monkey II.
Erich is saying "good-bye" to Monkey II, Art and Kathy.
Packard Proving Grounds Water Tower

      It was a nice evening to meet with our Packard friends at the Proving Grounds and catch up with each other on how the summer has been going.   Mom enjoyed talking to some of the guys who knew Keith's father.  After dinner we went to Mom's house and talked for a while.  Weather wise, it was such a lovely day---- perfect for a little drive in the Packard to the Proving Grounds for dinner. 



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